Letter from the President
Dear NJOS Colleagues,
It is my honor to have been elected as the President of NJOS at our Annual Symposium in April.
I am humbled to have been elected to serve you, our members, this year.
Our society is your biggest advocate in New Jersey. We are stronger because of our commitment to support each other and our craft but we can always do more. My vision is to begin the work of growing the Society into your primary resource for education, membership, and advocacy. We believe that focusing on these 3 main roles will propel us to be the voice that we need in New Jersey with patients, colleagues and legislators. The education seminars at our Annual Symposium are already second to none with presentations from our AAOS leadership and groundbreaking surgeons from around the country. We are excited to bring new learning initiatives with varied formats and greater engagement of our residency programs to make our programs even better. While our members are statewide, there are more surgeons out there that would benefit from the support that we can offer. Expanding and engaging our membership is a critical initiative and you can expect a number of new opportunities to engage and participate with the society and your colleagues. Finally, our advocacy efforts help our industry have a seat at the table in the era of regulatory and legislative change. Each and every member can add to the volume and strength of our voice. Our goal for this year is to provide the avenues for you to communicate and contribute to that voice.
As president, I am here to serve the members and to make sure that our society is doing the best for you. With this in mind I ask you to:
Share this information with others in your practices and hospitals. Take time at your department meetings to encourage others to learn more about us and join as a member. Let us know if you are interested in joining our Membership Committee.
Join us for our annual Spring Symposium. We bring a new look and feel to the educational opportunities of the symposium including interactions with residents, debates between colleagues and updates from our national and state stakeholders. 5 CMEs are offered each year at this event. Let us know if you are interested in joining our Education Committee.
Share your thoughts with us regarding legislative and regulations, help us advocate with donations to our NJ Orthopaedic Political Action Committee and join us in our effort to have our collective voices heard.
Thank you for your confidence in me this year and I look forward to working with you to make NJOS work for you!
Anthony Scillia, MD

Join us for our Annual Spring Symposium on April 26th at Seaview Dolce Golf Resort.
Click here for more information and to register to attend, or register as a vendor.

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150 West State Street, Suite 110
Trenton, NJ 08608
Phone: (609) 392-6154
FAX: (609) 392-2664
E-mail: Rachel Holland, rachel@amg101.com